Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Custom Luxury Ride

This 80 degrees sunny weather in the middle of January is definitely something I never take for granted, having moved to LA from negative below Minnesota.  One of the most popular things to do on a nice sunny LA day is to take your beach bike cruiser for a ride along the beach in Santa Monica or the Venice Boardwalk.

I love my beach bike it matches me so well. A pink cruiser with a basket, horn, and streamers. Rediculous I know!  However I am not the only one riding in style.

A handful of LA riders are turning to Republic Bike to use their inner artist to design their own bikes. Best of all Republic Bike will build, box, and ship it right to your door! Now thats riding in style!


  1. CUTE! I want a robin's egg blue, yellow, or kelly green bike! Not sure which. :)

  2. Lol would be perfect during the summer by Lake Michigan :)
